E5N1 has been learning some Christmas songs at school and
Exile #4 has been playing some for her piano lessons recently. The other day, they discovered a few in common and even did an impromptu performance together. In relating the lyrics to one of the songs
E5N1 said, "Up on the housetop, reindeer pause..."
I tried to wind him up by saying, "But reindeer don't have paws, they have hooves!".
Unexpectedly, instead of giving me a hard time for my misunderstanding of the words or for a terrible joke,
E5N1 defended the song on the basis of poetic license (he didn't use those exact words) and it became clear that that is exactly how
he had understood the words.
So now, we're picturing the reindeer up on the roof padding around on their paws.
They're less likely to wake us that way I suppose.