Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 7.338: Exile #2's Sunday Column #35

Exile #2 writes...

We have had a pleasantly busy weekend, spending yesterday afternoon at Exile #4's karate school for their holiday open house and party and then on to Portland in the evening for the annual parade of decorated boats.

This morning, we headed back to Portland for church and after lunch, took advantage of sun (yes sun!) and temperatures above freezing for a walk across Scarborough Marsh. The marsh is strange but beautiful at this time of the year, with its dead and flattened grasses and partially frozen channels.

When we got back, it was time to snuggle up for some Harry Potter, made slightly more fun following our brush with a real steam engine yesterday. There are just five school days left but they are packed full with performances and events of one kind or another, so it was a good opportunity to charge our batteries in anticipation.

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