We've now been here for well over a year and recently I started setting up to make another recording and found myself getting more and more annoyed that the items were still missing. I was almost at the point of buying some replacements when I decided to have an umpteenth look for the missing items.
Having turned out various closets again and opened bags and boxes I knew I had looked in before, I despairingly looked around the unfinished part of the basement. I saw the beer brewing stuff on the shelf and thought, not for the first time, that I really must brew some more beer soon. Then I realised that the brew keg was on one shelf and the bottles were on the next shelf and that didn't leave much of the kit to be in the still-sealed-from-the-move box.
I think you know where this is going. Sure enough, stuffed into the box on top of the remaining few bits of beer home-brew equipment was this box:
Exile #2 must have packed all the good stuff in there when she dis-assembled the recording studio as we were getting ready to sell the house and the movers must have slipped it in before taping up the beer kit box.
I suppose, to be fair, it is a beer box in itself.
Much more importantly, I now have all the recording equipment I have been missing.

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