Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 8.293: Hipster with bacon

This evening I was at church with the kids because the middle schoolers (including the girls) were throwing a Halloween party for the elementary aged kids including E5N1. It was chaotic fun.
Fortunately thanks to this:

I was well fueled. I declared it the most hipster salad ever - being mostly baby kale and quinoa. Exile #2, thinking I was commenting on its healthiness, countered that it had bacon in it. It was good in any case.

I'll wait until tomorrow to reveal the kids' costumes - it's another team effort.


  1. Exile #2 may find this a helpful introduction to hipster-ness: - though there's minimal mention of foodstuffs. Dx

    1. Haha - I made sure she saw it this morning so she can take things up a level!


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