Sunday, October 27, 2019

Day 12.290: Exile #2's Sunday Column #271

Exile #2 writes...

The young Exiles all had places to be yesterday. E5N1 had a Saturday rehearsal for his upcoming school play, Exile #4, a leadership training event at her karate school, and Exile #3, supervising duties at her dance school Halloween party. Exile #1 and I inevitably found ourselves not out for a leisurely child-free lunch, but at the DIY store.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve had a couple of power cuts. This being Maine, outages can last a while, and so we have a generator that we can use it to power essentials like the freezer and the emergency basement pump. Anyway, the last time Exile #1 wheeled the generator out of the shed, the shed ramp decided it had had enough and gave way.

Never afraid to take on a woodworking project, Exile #1 readied his circular saw and we went to get some lumber. There was a brief flurry of activity and now we have a brand new and very spiffy ramp to the shed. So, whatever the fall and winter throw at us, we should be able to roll out the emergency power.


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