Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 7.135: Exile #2's Sunday Column #6

Exile #2 writes...

We returned to our normal chaos following the departure of our guests. Not that that meant an uneventful week, of course. The same day they left, Exile #4 had a visit to the state capital, Augusta, whilst in the evening, we got our first taste of Exile #3's school choir.

E5N1 had his second swimming lesson in the rather impressive Michael Phelps swimming center. They teach the kids in infinity pools, which are not, as they might sound, large, seemingly endless bodies of water but what look like oversized bathtubs with an adjustable flow that the swimmer can swim against. They haven't used the current in the classes I've seen and the kids just end up doing a few strokes end to end. I'm not entirely convinced of this method yet but we'll see where E5N1 gets to by the end of six weeks (at this rate, not very far!).

It was time to visit the optician with Exile #4, who has been experiencing headaches. Getting to the appointment was itself a bit of a headache as we now live near a railroad. I had previously found myself caught on the wrong side of the tracks at the level crossing in town and so purposefully left half an hour to reach our destination. However, this time one of the two major bridges from our side of the river to the other was closed because of rail repairs and it felt like the whole of southern Maine was being funnelled across one small bridge. Despite being late, we were kindly seen and so Exile #4 will shortly be using glasses for reading.

To round off the week, Exile #4 demonstrated her powers of concentration at a second introductory session to a new form of karate. She is now officially ready to join a class and earned her starter belt. I was very impressed as I'm not sure I would have known which way was up by the end of the class.

Fortunately, this is Memorial Day weekend and apart from taking time for remembrance, we have time to recover and get some jobs done. Have a good week everyone!

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