Over the few months I've caught myself a few times moving books and my phone away from myself to try to read them - and of course then sometimes finding the typeface rather small. For a while I ignored it.
More recently, Exile #4 found out that she needed glasses (also spurred by headaches), but was advised that she did not need a custom prescription, she could just get some over-the-counter reading glasses. Then, one day, I tried them on and - suddenly the within-arm's-length-world was clear again.
So it was that yesterday I went to get my eyes tested and was similarly advised that I should get some reading glasses (slightly stronger than Exile #4's but basically the same kind), and today, I did just that.

Particularly like the over-the-top-rim look. A classic! But I am a bit jealous as my glasses have always been "bespoke"....