Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 7.316: Twenty-twenty ends at forty (ish)

I last went to the opticians about five years ago after I started getting headaches and wondered if it was a result of working at a computer with fading vision. My eyesight was fine and the headaches were almost certainly the beginning of my body's rebellion against the airborne allergens of upstate New York.

Over the few months I've caught myself a few times moving books and my phone away from myself to try to read them - and of course then sometimes finding the typeface rather small. For a while I ignored it.

More recently, Exile #4 found out that she needed glasses (also spurred by headaches), but was advised that she did not need a custom prescription, she could just get some over-the-counter reading glasses. Then, one day, I tried them on and - suddenly the within-arm's-length-world was clear again.

So it was that yesterday I went to get my eyes tested and was similarly advised that I should get some reading glasses (slightly stronger than Exile #4's but basically the same kind), and today, I did just that.

1 comment:

  1. Particularly like the over-the-top-rim look. A classic! But I am a bit jealous as my glasses have always been "bespoke"....


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