Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 10.037: A snow day... yet again

The snow was winding down by the time we surfaced this morning to the news that school was canceled. Even the notifications seem to be showing signs of fatigue:

"NO SCHOOL - Thursday, February 16th for all staff and students... yet again."

We'd had a little less than the predicted amounts, but several inches of very heavy wet sticky snow was a pain to deal with - especially because finding anywhere to put it is increasingly difficult.

It was pretty though:


  1. Looks incredible, we've hardly seen any snow this winter at home...we did see quite a bit in the Cumbrian mountains, but that's to be expected I suppose :-)

    1. I suppose it's also reasonable for us to expect a bit more than you although I suspect it has been a close run thing in a few recent years!


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