Saturday, September 23, 2017

Day 10.256: Duck...aaaargh!!

Here's a cute picture of pre-Exile Exile #3 and a duck. The rest of this post involves a different duck.

Some time ago, Exile #2 went to a local Asian supermarket with Exile #4 and they bought a duck. A dead one. For us to eat. Yesterday, she had everything we needed and decided to prepare it.

A little after 11 am, I received an email with the subject line, "Aaaargh!!", it read as follows.

"I just started prepping the duck. I thought I'd do it tonight but there is a bit more of it than I was expecting, er, like feet and maybe even a head so I'm kinda freaking out. Do you think you could cope with hacking those bits off, or do I need to abandon this project.... (sheepish grin)"

I actually laughed out loud at my desk when I read it.

So, at lunchtime I went home and did just that - impressed that the whole bird, head and all was completely plucked, removed and disposed of the offending head and feet and left Exile #2 to cook the rest of it.

We ate it at dinner time and it was delicious.

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