Friday, July 30, 2021

Day 14.201: Saddleback views

A few more pictures from our second ascent of Saddleback last week - first some trail and view photos. The top right shows part of the early trails - this one was called "Streambed Trail" but this part could have just been called streambed. Lower middle left is one of the smooth rock faces that we had to climb. This one was only marginally steeper than the others but had some helpful if logistically difficult rungs to help:
also pictured - lots of views - it was hard to pick just one or two.

Oh go on, just one (two) more - in the bottom right of this top photo you can see the ski resort building, and with a bit more zoom pick out where we were staying:

Part of the walk up was on this ATV trail. The signs caught our eye. ITS is Interconnected Trail System - a Maine network of snowmobile trails (but not at this time of year). Also - a couple more wildflower photos.


  1. How far apart are those rungs? Do you hike between or alongside them?

    1. It felt like a ladder at first and we definitely wanted to stand on the rungs. As it went more horizontal it did make we want to stand in front of them but the transition was hard and I ended up walking on them to the end.


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