Saturday, August 21, 2021

Day 14.223: Three random things from Burlington

Today was a recovery day - recovering from the trip and trying to recover my phone from a corrupted backup after it started misbehaving and I foolishly took the advice to wipe it and restore it (from said backup).

I failed to restore it and it still has the problem I was trying to fix, so I guess we'll call it a lose-lose. Not because losing twice is what a lose-lose scenario would be, but by symmetry with the incorrect definition of "win-win" that advertising professionals seem to be insist on using.

Anyway, because it's more fun than lazy days with a seasoning of tech issues, here are three more random photos from yesterday in Burlington: some flowers in Overlook Park, a speedboat and the mountains of New York across Lake Champlain and a construction vehicle with rail-adapting wheels at the site of an in-progress level-crossing replacement.


  1. Finally!!! The rail-adapting truck pictures we your discerning readers are clamoring for more of!!! LOL


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