Thursday, January 11, 2024

Day 17.001: New year; puzzles

It’s a new year here of the Exile. We’ve been in the US for seventeen years. For the second year running we completed the massive crossword in the NYT Puzzle Mania insert a few days too late to enter it into the competition but we had fun doing it and most of the fun other puzzles too. 

When it was regular New Year’s Eve, Exile #2, who is a big fan of Taskmaster, set the rest of us a series of challenges. One was to make a Nativity scene from any objects (other than parts of an actual Nativity set). Here are the results - can you guess who made which? Any favorite scenes or elements?


  1. Replies
    1. Ooo - so close! Thanks for playing - feel free to try again!

  2. I'm concerned that I'll be further out if I guess again! But here goes.

    1 = E4
    2 = E5N1
    3 = E3
    4 = E1

    1. Haha - you were quite correct to be concerned!

  3. ANSWERS (with what might have tipped you off):
    1 = me (birds, egg, powerful Magi)
    2 = E5N1 (Pokemon, cool lighting)
    3 = Exile #4 (fancy star stand, elves as Magi)
    4 = Exile #3 (Mary with blue bodice and white shawl, most eclectic)
    I'm mostly kidding about anything tipping you off!


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