Sunday, August 18, 2024

Day 17.221: Birds at Kennebunk Plains

Although the flowers were the impetus for our visit yesterday, of course we were on the lookout for birds.

Pine warbler - we watched it in the pine trees for a while before we got a good look. I was happy that my instinct (based on its shape and movements) that it was a warbler was correct.

We heard the eastern wood pewee (and identified it without help from Merlin) before we saw it. Then we watched it have this altercation with a bluebird before they both flew away.

Later we saw a large group of bluebirds and a group of goldfinches at a small group of isolated trees and shrubs.

This one is an eastern phoebe. Although very similar to the eastern wood pewee. Its behavior (perching low and even on the ground and wagging its tail) are distinctive.

We were very excited to see this pretty sparrow and it let us get a good look at it. We were taken by its golden breast and clear face with a white eye-ring.

We were able to identify it after we got home as a field sparrow - a new one for my list.


  1. Nice life bird! Love that pink bill.

    1. So pretty! Growing up “sparrow” just meant boring brown bird to me. It’s quite a turn-around to how excited I sometimes get about them now.


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