Saturday, August 24, 2024

Day 17.226: Guys' hike

At around the same time that I was taking off from Madison on Thursday, Exile #2 was taking off from Boston for a trip rather further to the east. She's currently in the Oxford area helping out after her mum had to spend some time in hospital. That, of course, significantly changes the dynamics at home. Today, the result was that E5N1 and I went out for a hike after I suggested I might go on my own to get some nature time.

We went to Mount Agamenticus. Since our recent visits had been with Exile #4, we wondered if the last time E5N1 had been was when we visited Second Hill and it seems like that is the case - almost exactly four years ago. Here's some views from the trails and the summit today.

The view west towards the White Mountains

The view north to Kennebunk

The hikers at the summit

This section of the trail was bounded by hundred of young-growth trees

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