Friday, August 23, 2024

Day 17.226: Back to birding

Despite my late night, I made it out early this morning for a birding walk. Here is some of what we saw:

We saw several hummingbirds. This one perched quite obligingly.

As did this cedar waxwing

Hairy woodpecker - less often seen on these walks than its slightly smaller cousin the downy woodpecker

Not a great angle on this mystery bird, but a great view of its pointed beak.

We saw quite a few flickers - some on the ground as usual, but several in the trees.

We saw this young red-bellied woodpecker behaving strangely...

...before we spotted that it was following this adult (presumably a parent) and begging for food.



  1. And, your last photo nicely shows the "red belly" of the male Red-bellied Woodpecker!


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