Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 8.182: Saint Demetrios Greek Festival

We decided against the big belated birthday bash we had planned for Exile #2 for today, but it ended up being a busy day anyway and lots of fun. It was a perfect day for the beach - so we spent nearly three hours there this morning.

After heading home for a late lunch we succumbed to some downtime and (in Exile #4 and my case at least) an afternoon nap.

As the afternoon wore on, we were debating which of our plans we would shelve, but decided to visit the Saint Demetrios Greek Festival. We had missed this last year, despite one of Exile #3's best friends being the daughter of the Presbyter there. I'm so glad we didn't miss it this year.

After a look around, we joined the line for some wonderful dinner and then, by chance it was time for a dance show (including Exile #3's friend) - with a chance for audience participation at the end.

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