Thursday, May 2, 2024

Day 17.113: Birding walk year two

Nearly a year ago, while Dad was still recovering from jet-lag, the two of us got up early to join the second Saco Bay Trails birding walk of the year guided by Josh Fecteau. Today, Exile #2 and I joined the second of this year's series (it must have started a couple of weeks earlier this year).

It was a damp, dull and chilly morning and we didn't see anything particularly exciting (although thanks to a sound identification, I do have one new bird for the list), but once again Josh's expertise and enthusiasm made it a great experience.

Here are a few of the sightings (mostly very distant and not particularly well photographed):

Eastern bluebird

Red-bellied woodpecker

Red-tailed hawk

Two of a group of maybe a dozen double-crested cormorants

Spotted sandpiper

Fish crow (seen but identified by sound)

Chipping sparrow

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