Monday, May 13, 2024

Day 17.124: Birds at Timber Point

On Saturday afternoon, Exile #2, Exile #4 and I decided on a walk at Timber Point. Since it was near high tide we were not tempted to attempt the crossing to Timber Island, but we walked to the causeway and back. Here are some of he birds we saw starting with some tiny shorebirds:

Least sandpiper

A reticent common yellowthroat

I never got a clear view, but enough for identification

This hawk (probably red-tailed) was being mobbed by a crow as we arrived

The very next thing we saw - on the other side of the trail was a crow being mobbed by several red-winged blackbirds. What goes around comes around I suppose.

Red-winged blackbird

Prairie warbler

Song sparrow

Magnolia warbler (quite distant - not a great photo)

Yellow warbler (rather more obliging)

Exile #4 spotted this interesting-looking black and white bird which we could not identify at first

But then  it identified itself as a rose-breasted grosbeak

Proudly displaying its rose breast and gros beak

White-throated sparrow

Gray catbird

Another yellow warbler

When we returned to the beach and saw some small shorebirds again, we assumed at first they were the sandpipers we'd seen at the start, but they turned out to be several of these:

 Semipalmated plover


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