Sunday, May 26, 2024

Day 17.137: Exile #2’s Sunday Column #480

Exile #2 writes...

I have begun my annual battle with garden pests to see if anything will survive long enough to bear fruit. There are not too many bugs in evidence yet but, as usual, the squirrels are having lots of fun digging up the raised beds to bury acorns. There is plenty of chipmunk action too but they mostly seem satisfied with burrowing.

As I pottered about this afternoon; however, I heard another sound. Exile #1 came out to listen and before long was intrepidly setting off into the woods with his phone and camera to try and track down the source. We have, on previous occasions, had a fisher in the neighborhood, which caught a number of outdoor cats, but this time, although Exile #1 didn’t get a definite sighting, we’re pretty sure we have a fox. I hope we get to see it soon!

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