Saturday, May 25, 2024

Day 17.136: Shaw Cherry Hill Farm

This afternoon, while E5N1 was with his friends planning drama-kids-related mischief, Exile #2, Exile #4 and I went to explore the trails at Shaw Cherry Hill Farm.

This meadow was our first view - with bobolinks flying over and then disappearing down into the grass

Male bobolink perching in the grass

Male bobolink in flight

The trails opened in 2019. They are accessible and well-tended with lots of surprises like this napping moose

We also had very nice weather

At the far side of the property is this river where we could hear an ovenbird calling nearby, but did not see it.

We also heard a rose-breasted grosbeak, at least two chestnut-sided warblers and a veery but did not see them either.

American lady butterfly

Here are some of the other birds we did see:
Common grackle

House wren

Song sparrow (giving me a hard stare)

Black-and-white warbler

Wild turkey

Another black-and-white warbler

This savannah sparrow posed nicely for us as we neared the parking lot at the end of our walk

...and even gave us a song

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