Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day 17.127: Birding again

We joined the early birding walk at the cemetery again this morning. At first, we had to cope with hearing about all the many birds they'd seen last week when we hadn't been able to attend but once we got going we soon forgot about that.

Black-throated green warbler

Northern parula

Not a bird, but this woodchuck looked up at us looking over the bridge side at him for a quite a while before departing through a hole below our feet.

Red-eyed vireo

And then, shortly before I had to leave to get to work, I saw a large bird deep in the woods where we'd heard crows apparently very upset about something. I took a couple of quick photos but wasn't sure what it could have been. This is what it turned out to be:

Great-horned owl

 We're not sure what we're seeing on the left - maybe something it's carrying hanging from its beak? Sadly no-one else saw it and I failed to point it out before I lost track of it, so that feels like a bit of a group-activity fail, but at least it was a long-distance photography success.

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