Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 9.154: Exile #2's Sunday Column #111

Exile #2 writes...

Exile #4's birthday celebrations continued today. We were a bit slow starting after Exile #3's late night (it was her 8th grade promotion dance - very glamorous she looked too), but we managed to make it to church, just in the nick of time. By lunchtime, we had all woken up fully, so we went back to Sea Dog Brewing at Exile #4's request. I had a very tasty lobster roll, my first of the year, but both of the young female Exiles amazed and horrified us in equal part by ordering chocolate chip pancakes, followed by a chocolate soufflé. Any other day Exile #1 and I would have raised a protest but on this special occasion we just shook our heads and left them to it.

This afternoon, Exile #1 and I left our soon-to-be high schooler in charge and went for a blustery and bracing walk across Scarborough Marsh. It is very pretty at the moment, with new grey-green grasses replacing the winter brown and a variety of spring flowers in the hedgerows. We saw plenty of egrets and what may have been a whole family of glossy ibis.

We didn't stay out too late, though, wanting to encourage everyone to bed at a reasonable hour. Unbelievably, we have just two and a half days left and then school's out for summer.

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