Monday, August 29, 2016

Day 9.232: Bradbury Mountain State Park

As Exile #2 mentioned, we hiked at Bradbury Mountain State Park again yesterday. This was the first time. Once again, we enjoyed the shady trails and the views. Exile #2 pointed out that you can see the ocean (see top left photo). It was also fungus season - we saw quite a few varieties.

The bottom-left photo is not a fungus, but an acorn plum gall. E5N1 and Exile #4 found one under our oak tree a week or so ago, but we saw a lot yesterday, They are solid - formed by the oak tree in response to a wasp egg - the larval stage of the tiny wasp occurs inside the gall gradually eating the inside of it until ready to pupate.

When we made it down, the girls tried the swings, but - once again - they seemed to have some difficulty operating them correctly:

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