Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Day 17.174: Grafham Water

We had another outing this morning - to Grafham Water. Here is some of what we saw:

Pictures of individual birds are a little misleading - here is a group of greylag geese

...and a view with lots of individuals of at least a couple of species

Little grebe, coot, great cormorant, mute swan, possible bank swallow, great crested grebe, Egyptian goose and two male tufted ducks

Young barn swallow


Garden warbler

We got caught in a short shower of rain at one point

...but stayed positive about it

"There's a bird right behind you!"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Day 17.173: More birds

Here is a European goldfinches from my sister's house just before we left and a couple of pictures of house martins feeding young (and making an aerobatic turn having finished) at a nest in one of the window frames here.

Here are some more  birds in or near the back garden here in sequence: green woodpecker, young green woodpecker, male pheasant, young white (pied) wagtail, hen pheasant, house sparrow, sparrowhawk, white (pied) wagtail, young robin.
This morning, we went for a walk at a local nature area - Titchmarsh Nature Reserve:

Some of what we saw there: mute swan, black-headed gulls/greylag goose/mallards, blue tit, spotted flycatcher, grey heron, tufted duck and duckling, red kite being mobbed by a gull, moorhen, great crested grebe. 
Also seen - a reed bunting and heard - a song thrush.

Back at the house, a linnet and a yellow wagtail and nice comparison shots of a carrion crow and a rook.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Day 17.172: To the manor gorn

We have arrived at our home from home for the next week with my Dad and my sisters and their husbands. Various other family will join us for part of the week. 

We’re in a manor house in the Northamptonshire countryside. Here are a few views of the interior: