Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Day 17.202: Devil's Back Trail - West

As Exile #2 mentioned, our second stop on Sunday was at Devil's Back on Orr's Island near Harpswell. Having chosen to cross the road and enter the west half of the trail (for no particular reason), we ended up walking the northern half of the trail loop on that side.

Here are some things that caught our eye.

Snowy egret

Common terns carrying their catch...

...and feeding their young

A double-crested cormorant doing its thing

A fly-by from a bald eagle

Eiders living their best life

More tern fishing action....

...and just flying

This is a flycatcher of some kind - possibly olive-sided 

I think it was too big to be a phoebe or eastern wood pewee

This inlet splits the northern half of Orr's Island in two.

We turned this amazing multi-limbed tree into a family tree

Exile #4 had some impressive hat-hair (and a well-formed curl)


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