Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Day 17.173: More birds

Here is a European goldfinches from my sister's house just before we left and a couple of pictures of house martins feeding young (and making an aerobatic turn having finished) at a nest in one of the window frames here.

Here are some more  birds in or near the back garden here in sequence: green woodpecker, young green woodpecker, male pheasant, young white (pied) wagtail, hen pheasant, house sparrow, sparrowhawk, white (pied) wagtail, young robin.
This morning, we went for a walk at a local nature area - Titchmarsh Nature Reserve:

Some of what we saw there: mute swan, black-headed gulls/greylag goose/mallards, blue tit, spotted flycatcher, grey heron, tufted duck and duckling, red kite being mobbed by a gull, moorhen, great crested grebe. 
Also seen - a reed bunting and heard - a song thrush.

Back at the house, a linnet and a yellow wagtail and nice comparison shots of a carrion crow and a rook.

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