Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Day 17.188: Birdwatcher; ethical birding

Back on Father’s Day, I received a new game called Birdwatcher. It’s a game about luring and photographing rare birds and getting published for doing so successfully. 

The game is easy to play and lots of fun - we played a few times before our UK trip. There was just a shade of unease at the luring of birds and occasionally flushing some new ones out of the jungle by running into it but that was soon ended by an unexpected addition at the end of the instruction booklet entitled, “A brief guide to ethical birding and bird photography” which starts, “While the tools and actions in Birdwatcher make for fun and fast-paced gameplay, they do not necessarily represent ethical, responsible actions to take in the real world.” And goes on to describe in detail why playing bird calls and blundering around their habitats are probably not the best choices. 

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