Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 8.074: 70 mile week day 3: Halfway there

I'm documenting my first attempt to run a 70 mile week. It started on Monday.

My training programme called for a fifteen mile run today. The main problem with these midweek medium-long runs is getting up early enough to fit it in before work. My first alarm went off at 4 am today and I was out of bed before my second one would have gone off at 4:05 am.

Fifteen miles is far enough to go somewhere and to keep it simple for a run that would take place half in complete darkness, I did an out-and-back route.

The mid-point, which was either all-the-way-there or halfway-there depending on your point of view allowed me the chance to take a few bad pictures of the sun rising over the sea. Instead of choosing the least bad one, I did this:

You can see a piece of ice floating out to sea and a lighthouse flashing. Then I ran home again.

Oh yes - I'm also halfway to 70 miles: "Running" total: three days, four runs, 36.8 miles.

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