Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 7.191: Exile #2's Sunday Column #14

Exile #2 writes...

It was a rather rainy end to the visit of Exile #1's parents (I gather they took the heat, humidity and stormy weather back to the UK with them) but we were not too disappointed and it gave us time to recover from our short break.

We said our farewells on Thursday. E5N1 was more affected than previously. He understands now what it means not to see family members for a year or two (and he is not impressed). Grandma and Grandpa were lucky not to find a stowaway in their luggage. In fact, he may have cloned himself and just left a copy behind, Calvin and Hobbes-style because he was claiming to be "good E5N1" yesterday. I think that was a slight exaggeration on his part but he did enter into the role occasionally.

Since then, we have been returning things to their normal places. The leaf has been removed from the table, the fold-out bed has been, well, folded in. We have also entered into a second wave of unpacking.

Pictures that were still lingering in corners are up on the walls and most amazing of all we can park not just one but two cars in the garage. Now I just need to sort through all the papers that have been accumulating while E5N1 probably creates more.

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